There are dumb criminals and then there are REALLY DUMB criminals.
You’ve read about that type of criminal non-mastermind before. You know the sort of guys who blow themselves up by using too much dynamite to blast open an ATM or leave a trail of empty wrappers after robbing a candy store.
A recent prime example of a dumb criminal is the Ohio man who, after getting arrested, sparking up in jail.
The heavy smoker got pulled over for erratic driving and then was found by the police to have loads of illegal goodies in his car. Once they opened the door to his vehicle the obvious aromas associate with reefer and alcohol assaulted the officer’s nose.
However, for this high guy, the joy ride wasn’t over.
After he was booked into the Rock Hill jail, an officer went to his cell to get him for questioning. Again, the aroma of burning marijuana was detectable.
The blaspheming doper had pulled a page from a Bible in the cell and used it to roll a joint with weed he’d hidden in his pocket.
I don’t think this idiot will be getting out early for good behavior.