With the development of digital photography and software such as Photoshop, the classic graphics created by the likes of Saul Bass no longer woo viewers into the theater. Now the creative teams can take the head of one actress and place it atop a more buxom body double and then expand her assets even more with a few clicks of the mouse to attract a large crowd of ticket buyers.
Proving that sometimes the classic style is the best, Tavis Coburn made a splash last year with his old-school revisions to posters for the 2010 BAFTA movie awards.
With all those pixels in play now, sometimes it’s hard to figure out just what a movie is about by looking at the poster given a thumbs up by the execs in Hollywood.
Flavorwire has a dozen interpretations of movie posters like the one above taken to simplest form. The Pictograms depict the iconic images of the movie and its poster in bland graphics, but perfectly reveal the gist of the film.
Here’s another example before you go over and view the rest.