In a lot of ways, France is one of the most conservative countries in Europe when it comes to protecting their traditional way of life. After all, they have an entire division of scholars, the Acadamie Francais, dedicated to the preservation of what they call official French from slang language from other countries. If France doesn’t like le hamburger, then they’re going to stop you from using it. France doesn’t like the burqa, a traditional Muslim face covering that is usually compared to a beekeeper suit in the West. In true Academie style, France passed a ban on anyone covering their face in public, and that ban goes into effect today.
All this fuss in France, which has pushed itself into the limelight of a culture war between the ultra-conservative in the Islamic community and, well… everyone else who has ever campaigned for the rights of women in general. It also forces Islamic immigrants and French nationals into disagreement thanks to a toothless law against face covering. Belgium and several German states also have laws on the books affecting the wearing of niqabs, and Italy is looking to add similar legislation.
Under the law, French police officers can’t force a woman wearing a niqab from uncovering her face, but they can force her to attend reeducation classes and fine her, as well as fining her husband and religious leaders for “forcing” her to wear the submissive garments.
Tags: Islam, burqa, France, France bans burqas, Muslim headscarves, France bans Muslim head coverings, France bans facial coverings, France bans Muslim veils, veils banned, France bans traditional Muslim garb, niqabs, France bans niqabs, culture wars