Barbara Lee and Marco Ibanez can't tell the difference between a gang sign and a road sign.
Alfred Stewart, a 31-year-old deaf mute, was out with a group of friends at the Ocean’s Eleven Lounge in Hallendale Beach, Florida, on Saturday night when they caught the eye of 45-year-old gang-banger Barbara Lee. Stewart and his friends are deaf and communicate via sign language, which Lee mistakenly assumed were gang signs. I guess in Florida there are lots of completely deaf gangs that communicate via made-up hand gestures. Lee left, but soon returned with 19-year-old Marco Ibanez and a 17-year-old. Lee and her gang attacked a group of deaf partiers after mistaking them for a rival gang.
It sounds like an urban legend, doesn’t it? Like a joke about how dumb gangs are that they can’t distinguish between American Sign Language and gang signs without the aid of a gang card, but apparently it’s true. The signs were misinterpreted, and that caused Ibanez to go on a stabbing spree that injured five people, the four in Stewart’s group plus the bouncer. The injuries weren’t life-threatening, but all five were taken to the hospital for examination and treatment.
Tags: Hallendale Beach, Florida, Alfred Stewart, Barbara Lee, Marco Ibanez, deaf people stabbed by gang, sign language mistaken for gang signs, gang mistakes sign language for gang signs, unusual accidents, mistaken identity, stabbings, unusual attacks, deaf group attacked by gang members, Ocean’s Eleven Lounge