Well, true to form, E3 is here and that means Nintendo has unveiled the console formerly known as Project Cafe. The long-awaited sequel to the Nintendo Wii has been dubbed the Nintendo Wii U. If that name is terrible now, don’t worry: the Nintendo Wii U is pretty awesome and will make up for the awkwardness of the name. DVice has a complete image gallery and run-down of all the Wii U’s new awesome features.
Like the Nintendo 3DS, the Wii U’s biggest selling point will be how it enables augmented reality gaming via the Wii U’s six-inch touchscreen in the middle of the controller (which also features buttons and joysticks and whatnot, too). The Wii U will push video to the Wii U controller, which will allow the Wii U controller to function as a screen for sans-TV gaming. It’ll also allow players to use current Wii peripherals (including the Wiimote) with the Wii U screen, which carries Wii’s interactive gaming to a whole new level.
I’m not sure how this thing is going to be received by Nintendo’s new audience of casual gamers (or by hardcore gamers for that matter), but you have to give the Big N credit for being willing to push the boundaries of what can be done in the name of video games. This thing is going to be awesome!
Tags: Nintendo, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii U images, Nintendo Wii U specs, Nintendo Wii U information, Wii U, video games, E3, Wii U to work with Wii peripherals, Project Cafe