Pictured: Los Alamos National Laboratory. Not Pictured: fires.
It’s a tense scene. Wildfires have surrounded the Los Alamos National Lab, threatening America’s nuclear weapons laboratory. The nearby town of Los Alamos, New Mexico, has seen 12,000 residents evacuated by firefighting crews after the Las Conchas wildfire moved from the Santa Fe National Forest towards the Los Alamos nuclear facility, rendering Los Alamos a ghost town. However, in spite of this, the government maintains that Los Alamos is in no danger from the wildfire and that everything is perfectly safe.
It’s only natural that people would be worried about the encroachment of a massive wildfire on America’s premier nuclear facility, but according to staff at the lab, there’s nothing to worry about. The wildfires are apparently moving in the wrong direction to be a threat to the laboratory, but the people of Japan were also told that the Fukushima nuclear facility was safe from earthquakes, and we see how that’s turned out.
Tags: LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Las Conchas Wildfire, Santa Fe National Forest, Los Alamos threatened by wild fires, nuclear facility threatened by wildfires, natural disasters, fire threatens Los Alamos nuclear facility