Censored for your protection, just like on Facebook.
It’s been 20 years. You’d think that, long after the band’s lead singer was found dead that Nirvana would be incapable of making waves. You’d be wrong. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the landmark album Nevermind, Nirvana’s record label (Geffen Records) changed the band’s Facebook profile picture to the Nevermind cover. That caused the band to be banned for graphic content. Nirvana’s Nevermind cover features a naked baby, and that’s not okay to Facebook.
When will people learn what not to post on Facebook? Naked pictures will get you in trouble. Partying too hard will get you in trouble. Pictures of a baby in a controversial, bong-holding situation will get you in trouble. I guess even 20-year-old album covers with infants on them will get you in trouble, unless you put a blurcle over the offending member, as I did above. Strange, though; the album cover is fine at every record store on the planet, but I guess it’s too much for Facebook prudes to handle.
Tags: Nirvana, Nevermind, Nevermind album cover banned from Facebook, Nirvana Facebook controversy, Nirvana album banned from Facebook, naked baby, Nirvana naked baby banned from Facebook, Geffen Records, 20th anniversary of Nevermind, baby cover banned