No one ever went broke underestimating the public, and as the old saying goes, Mitch Mortaza probably isn’t going broke. Mortaza is the founder of what is probably the best idea ever. Capitalizing on the success of the Lingerie Football League, Mortaza started the Lingerie Basketball League in 2009; since then, lingerie basketball has spread like wildfire throughout California and the West Coast, with the Lingerie Basketball League has eyes on becoming a 12-team semi-professional league populated by former college basketball players.
Of course, all leagues need a home base, and for Mortaza, that would be Los Angeles, California. Not only is there an assortment of beautiful women there (most of whom have journeyed to Hollywood to become actresses), California is also one of the hoops hotbeds of the basketball world. The LBL features four LA-based teams: the Beauties, Divas, Glam, and Starlets. For now, you can see the bikini action only in LA, but I imagine that will expand, roller-derby style, throughout the US if given enough time.
After all, franchises are available, according to Mortaza. If you buy the lingerie, they will come.
Tags: Mitch Mortaza, Los Angeles, California, LBL, Lingerie Basketball League, underwear sports league, underwear, sports, semi-professional basketball, basketball league for women in their underwear, underwear basketball league, 12-team lingerie basketball league, unusual sports, professional basketball