As an adult who has chosen not to procreate, I understand that it would take a great deal of fortitude to survive a visit to that mecca for children know as Chuck E. Cheese.
What with all the screaming kids romping around, the buzzers and bells associated with the games the tots play and the sub par pizza, this is one franchise I’ve never stepped foot into. And please note that I didn’t even bring up that the restaurant’s mascot is a giant rat. Okay, now I’ve mentioned it.
But Sandy Diehl and Brian Frederick went a little overboard in gearing up for a visit to Chuck E. Cheese with their child in Fort Meyers, Fla.
The pair took enough drugs to cause them to nod off at their table while their child enjoyed a slice. Parents at neighboring tables alerted staff at the restaurant, who called in the cops.
In addition to not winning the “Parent of the Year” award, Diehl and Frederick were both arrested and their child was placed in protective custody. These two must have taken parenting classes with the father of the smoking toddler. At least they didn’t leave the kid locked in the car, while they went to a strip club.
This is just another story that will make those Chinese moms feel even more superior.