The comedic and subversive minds behind Comedy Central’s Emmy-winning construction paper cartoon South Park have already branched out to the silver screen with their marionette masterpiece Team America: World Police and a movie production of Cartman and his foul-mouthed friends in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.
The duo of Trey Parker and Matt Stone next took their sharp sense of humor to the Great White Way – Broadway – with their Tony-winning play The Book of Mormon. Their play is currently the hardest ticket to acquire in New York.
Now the pair say they are in the early planning stages of turning the play into a movie, pleasing the multitude of fans who can’t make their way to Broadway and couldn’t get their hands on tickets even if they made the trip.
Parker and Stone are known for poking fun at anyone and everyone. Celebrities of all levels, political leaders, even religions have been stabbed by their poison pens and blunt-scissored cutouts. They’ve even received death threats for their South Park episodes.
When The Book of Mormon movie arrives in my local multiplex, I’ll be there with popcorn in hand, expecting many laughs to fill the theater.