It’s that time of year when stores have scary window displays and the aisles and shelves are filled with bag after bag of mini servings of M&Ms and fun-sized Snickers. Although how they could call a half-sized serving “fun” still escapes me. But let’s get back on track.
Yep, it’s the week of Halloween.
Sure there are those nasty candies that no kid wants tossed into their trick-or-treat bag on Oct. 31. Those off brands and faux chocolates are always the last to be eaten sometime later in November. That is, if they are ever eaten.
If the epic Halloween light show didn’t get you in the mood for one of the funnest holidays of the year, Oddee has a list of unusual candies that just dare you to take a bite. These “treats” cover a wide assortment of flavors. Everything from corndog flavors to dill pickle to curry and wasabi. And, as you can see above, brain flavor. I’ll let another zombie let me know what they mean by that. Maybe it tastes like chicken, like everything else in the world. Or maybe it tastes like zombie jerky.
Hopefully the curry and wasabi flavors aren’t so hot they send someone to the hospital.