There’s a new Grinch in town ruining Christmas for all the good little boys and girls, and it’s not Jim Carrey in green make-up. It’s Chicago news anchor Robin Robinson.
At the end of a fluff news piece about Santa at the mall helping parents by not promising the moon to children during these tough economic times, Robinson does her best Scrooge impersonation. She breaks the bad news by plainly stating more than once that jolly old Saint Nick is just a feel-good myth. In her opinion, if the kiddies are old enough to talk, then it’s time to tell them the Christmas truth. BAM!
So far it’s been a tough holiday season. First Frosty the Snowman gets arrested. The total price of the 12 Days of Christmas has topped $100,000 and now this. At least that generous Secret Santa is still able to give out $100 bill.
Robinson, I’m sure at the encouragement of her bosses, later made an apology, but it may have been another case of too little, too late for many parents who had a lot of explaining to do to their confused children. Buzzesque has the gist of the Merry Christmas mea culpa.
Here’s Robinson’s not-so-finest holiday moment. The Scrooge discussion begins about the 2:45 mark.