Foxconn's employees aren't exactly jumping for joy.
Foxconn, the world’s most suicidal company, is at it again. Workers must be incredibly dissatisfied with the working conditions and life at one of China’s leading technology manufacturing companies, because 300 workers on Foxconn’s Xbox 360 manufacturing lines threatened to commit suicide after labor negotiations went sour. Apparently, the workers wanted a pay raise, and Foxconn told them they could either stay working for the same rate or be fired, then reneged on the firing compensation package promised. The mayor of Wuhan, where the factory is located, had to help talk the workers off the roof!
”After talking with workers and management, it is our understanding that the worker protest was related to staffing assignments and transfer policies, not working conditions,” said Xbox 360 masterminds Microsoft. “We have a stringent Vendor Code of Conduct that spells out our expectations, and we monitor working conditions closely on an ongoing basis and address issues as they emerge. Microsoft is committed to the fair treatment and safety of workers employed by our vendors, and to ensuring conformance with Microsoft policy.”
Foxconn, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of consumer electronics, is constantly hit with problems related to worker morale; in 2010, 14 Foxconn employees killed themselves and living employees frequent complain about factory conditions, hours, pay, and discrimination. Meanwhile, Foxconn continues to churn out iPhones and rake in billions in profits. I’d imagine Foxconn can’t buy the worker-replacing robots fast enough right now.
Tags: Foxconn, Wuhan, China, Foxconn workers threaten mass suicide, mass suicide threatened at Foxconn, 300 workers threaten suicide at Foxconn, 300 Foxconn workers threaten suicide, Xbox 360, Microsoft, Foxconn’s Xbox 360 line threatens mass suicide, Foxconn Technology Group, mass suicides, suicide threats, unusual negotiating tactics, unusual threats