Kristen Bell, known to TV fans as intrepid teen detective Veronica Mars and the Sarah Marshall of Forgetting Sarah Marshall fame, is as cute as a bug’s ear. There’s no getting around that, especially not after her recent appearance on Ellen. The only thing cuter than Kristen Bell is Kristen Bell meeting a sloth. During an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres’s talk show, Kristen Bell told the audience about the time she met a sloth courtesy of fiance Dax Shepard. The cuteness/funniness was overpowering, both to Bell and to the audience.“I immediately was overcome and thought, ‘There’s a sloth near. There is a sloth here. It’s close. It’s gonna happen,'” said Bell, whose sloth visit was arranged for her 31st birthday.
The sloth, Melon, is an entertainment veteran AKA a movie sloth. Which is better than being a cryptid in Panama as far as sloth jobs go. As for Kristen Bell, she’s definitely a better talk show guest for Ellen than Justin Bieber, and I couldn’t help but laugh when Ellen said they were bringing a sloth out and Kristen Bell immediately started to freak out. Apparently she really IS a fan of sloths!
Tags: Veronica Mars, Kristen Bell, sloth, sloths, Kristen Bell and the sloth, Melon the sloth, Kristen Bell cries over sloth, Ellen, Ellen DeGeneres, funny videos, talk shows, celebrities, talk show appearances, viral videos, Kristen Bell meets a sloth, cute videos, Dax Shepard