The house that dripped ads.
The neighbors hate it. Passing drivers stop to gawk at it. The orange-and-green home of Scott and Beth Hostetler, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, California, is an eye-catcher, but it’s that way for a reason. The outside of the Hostetler home is an advertisement. That’s right, a company called Brainiacs From Mars is paying homeowners to turn their houses into billboards for the company, and they’re looking to expand the pilot program. Just be prepared to put up with a lot of annoyed neighbors.
“There are definitely zoning issues in some cities, and we realize that. But we have really hit a nerve, and we can’t let that stop us. Once people start seeing how it works, once they get it, the moment they realize it is paying people’s mortgages, they are always on our side, because of this economy,” said Romeo Mendoza, the CEO of Brainiacs From Mars. “If we roll it out to scale and impact the foreclosure crisis, that would be amazing.”
The deal, for the homeowners at least, is pretty sweet. They basically rent their home’s exterior to the advertisement, and in return they get money for the privilege. In some cases, this agreement can last for up to a year, depending on the finances involved and local ordinances. The Hostetler agreement is for only a month, but that month will allow them to make their mortgage payment without even sweating. As for Brainiacs, their goal is to paint up to 1000 homes with their ads, with queries for availability coming in from as far away as Russia and Japan.
There are already ad-supported Kindles and ads on license plates, so why not an ad-supported home? I’d do it, for sure.
Tags: El Dorado Drive, Buena Park, California, Los Angeles, Scott and Beth Hostetler, Hostetler, Brainiacs From Mars, unusual advertisements, unusual ads, unusual billboards, house turned into giant billboard, house turned into ad, Hostetler family home, couple turns home into billboard to make mortgage payments, advertising, unusual trends, company turns house into billboard, Romeo Mendoza