You can do a lot of good things on a cellular phone these days. For example, you can thumb-type a best-selling novel if you have a lot of free time traveling and good ideas. However, most of the time, cell phone use while out on the roads is a bad idea. People don’t want to hear your conversations, and for most people, talking loudly while on a cell phone is a major pet peeve. Fortunately, a bus-riding cell phone vigilante has been using a cell phone jammer to keep Philadelphia’s buses clear of annoying chatter.
“I guess I’m taking the law into my own hands. And, quite frankly, I’m proud of it,” admitted the rogue cell phone jammer, known only as Eric.
Of course, Eric is violating the law (and curiously SEPTA, Philly’s bus company, says that jammers like Eric’s wouldn’t work on their buses), but I imagine he doesn’t care. At 7:30 AM, all anyone should want is peace and quiet and freedom from cell phones. If you have to communicate about something important while riding a bus, that’s one thing; otherwise, try to be considerate of others and stay off your phone, because nobody cares about your stupid life and your stupid friends.
Sorry, loud cell phone chatter is a pet peeve of mine, so someone like Eric is a hero to me.
Tags: Eric, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, cell phone blocker, cell phone jammer, man blocks cell phone signals on bus, SEPTA, Man blocks cell phones on bus, cell phone jammer used on bus, man jams cell phones on bus, law and order, justice, vigilante justice, vigilante cell phone jammer, unusual technology