There are a lot of iconic brand images out there. Chief among these is the Campbell’s soup label. From the art version brought to life by pop art hero Andy Warhol to the awesome Bruce Campbell’s Soup labels, the Campbell’s label is iconic and instantly recognizable when wrapped around a soup can. However, the future of product packaging may not be the can, but the pouch. Campbell Soup, Heinz & Company, and other groups are moving their products into pouches, which are the hot new packaging trend.
“We want to fire some bullets, and if they become cannonballs, we’ll put our money down,” Campbell CEO Denise Morrison said. “It’s a different approach for us, but we’re going to listen to consumers; we’re going to develop the products that they want. But then they need to buy them.”
Why pouches instead of traditional containers? Well, there are a few good reasons. First of all, pouches are apparently easier to transport, ship, and store for both companies and grocery stores. That makes them cheaper for everyone involved. This new package also allows companies like Campbell’s to tinker with their iconic designs without raising company ire; after all, a line of pouched products aimed at younger consumers is great, and a pouch of coconut curry looks different than a can of vegetable, it won’t affect vegetable’s sales or look. Perhaps most importantly, a properly-sealed pouch allows food to last longer while giving customers smaller portion sized for cheaper prices.
Tags: campbell’s soup, food, food trends, food packaging, food packaged in pouches, more food to be packed in pouches, food in pouch form, unusual packaging, heinz and campbell’s soup to start producing food in pouches, food packaging, denise morrison