It seems strange to think that a movie can make over $185 million dollars at the box office and still be considered a huge bomb, yet this is the world we live in. Movie budgets are bigger than ever, and studios aren’t exactly adjusting to a lowered set of expectations. Take, for example, Andrew Stanton’s troubled blockbuster sci-fi movie “John Carter.” Disney expects to lose $200 million on “John Carter.”
Of course, Disney’s marketing campaign didn’t help. The movie has changed titles from “A Princess of Mars”–which is the original title of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ book–to “John Carter of Mars” and finally to “John Carter” well before the movie hit theaters. The trailers for “John Carter” are also not terribly good. Still, Andrew Stanton was a money-making machine at Pixar, where he spent big and won big on films like “Finding Nemo” and “Wall-E,” but his first live-action feature for Disney was an expensive one.
According to some sources, Disney spent $250 million to make “John Carter” and another $100 million to market the film, making Carter potentially the biggest bust of 2012; Disney had the biggest bomb of 2011 with “Mars Needs Moms.” And that, my friends, is how you lose money on a movie that will end up making $200 million at the box office.
Image: Box Office Mojo
Tags: Disney, John Carter, John Carter of Mars, A Princess of Mars, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter may lose 0 million, Andrew Stanton, flops, movies that lose money, money-losing movies, John Carter is a bomb, Disney may lose millions on John Carter, big budget, science fiction, hollywood, movies, box office, box office bomb