People have been looking forward to the opening of The Hunger Games since the trailer first debuted back in November. As it turns out, all the waiting for opening weekend has turned out to be a good thing for both the movie and its fans. The Hunger Games debuted with the largest opening weekend of any non-sequel movie, and it was the third-highest box office opening weekend of all time. The Hunger Games took in $155 million dollars over the weekend!
The movie’s Friday opening was a staggering $68.25 million, fifth best all time behind the last two Harry Potter movies and two of the Twilight films. The previous high for a non-sequel’s opening day? Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland brought in a paltry $40.8 million dollars on its opening Friday. That’s a huge number for a single day, but it’s still nothing when compared to the drawing power of Katniss Everdeen and company. It also topped Alice‘s $116 million as the largest March opening weekend of all time.
Tags: the hunger games, hunger games box office, the hunger games breaks box office records, biggest opening weekend for a non-sequel movie, hunger games sets box office records, box office records, hunger games biggest non-sequel opening of all time, hunger games opening friday record, box office, hollywood, movies, the hunger games opening weekend