Apple has a history of blaming its problems on other people. Remember when the iPhone couldn’t make phone calls due to design flaws, and Steve Jobs said the problem was the way consumers were holding the phone and their evil left-handedness? Well, Apple is at it again, but not in America. In the continent/country of Australia, Apple finds itself in legal trouble over the iPad HD’s claims that it runs on both wifi and 4G wireless internet. Apparently, the Apple iPad HD doesn’t run on the 4G network maintained by its Australian cellular partner, Telstra.
According to documents filed in court by the consumer watchdog group Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), “Apple’s recent promotion of the new ‘iPad with wi-fi + 4G’ is misleading because it represents to Australian consumers that the product can, with a sim card, connect to a 4G mobile data network in Australia, when this is not the case.”
Apple’s attorney in Australia, Paul Anastassiou, claims that Apple never said their product would work fully on Telstra’s 4G network, only that it would run on what is globally accepted as a 4G network. The ACCC is pressing the matter, with the goal being to get Apple to issue customer refunds (which Apple is already offering), corrective advertising, financial penalties, and an injunction preventing Apple from selling iPad HDs in the country (presumably until the other issues are taken care of). The matter goes to trial on May 2.
Tags: apple, ipad hd, apple ipad hd, australia and apple in court over ipad claims, ipad false advertising in australia, 4g, telstra, federal court, australia takes apple to federal court over false advertising, false advertising claims, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, ACCC, ACCC takes Apple to court over iPad 4G, unusual lawsuits