Anchorman is a comedy classic. The pairing of Will Ferrell with frequent co-collaborator Steve Carell and Paul Rudd? Genius. The whole movie is as hilarious now as the first time I saw it, maybe more so. As it turns out, I’m not the only one who wanted more of Ron Burgandy’s over-the-top antics, and Ferrell and company have decided to give us more of what we crave. Last night on Conan, Ron Burgandy showed up to announce that there will be a second chapter of Anchorman.
“As of 0900 Mountain Time, Paramount Pictures and myself, Ronald Joseph Aaron Burgundy, have come to terms on a sequel to Anchorman,” declared Burgandy, who was wearing his signature wine blazer and tooting a jazz flute. “It is official! There will be a sequel to Anchorman. There will be a sequel.”
EW got in touch with Paramount Pictures, the company behind the Anchorman sequel, and Paramount has confirmed some details. Will Ferrell and Adam McKay will be back as writers for the untitled Anchorman sequel, McKay will be directing again, and Paul Rudd and Steve Carell will be back as co-stars. No word was released on Christina Applegate or David Koechner, although I imagine Koechner will be back in due time, too. I doubt Applegate will be returning, but maybe they can work it out around her television schedule.
Tags: ron burgandy, will ferrell, conan o’brien, conan, will ferrell on conan, anchorman sequel, will ferrell announces anchorman sequel, ron burgandy announces anchorman sequel, steve carell, paul rudd, anchorman: the legend of ron burgandy, sequels, movies, hollywood, celebrities, comedies, viral videos, jazz flute, paramount, adam mckay