I hate projecting goals onto people, but I can only imagine that Nadya Suleman, AKA Octomom, wanted to be famous when she had in-vitro fertilization treatments to give herself a set of octuplets. Well, while she did get fame, she did not exactly get fortune. As it turns out, Octomom is $1 million dollars in debt and has been forced to file bankruptcy. As it turns out, PETA ads can’t pay the rent all the time once the first blush of fame wears off.
“I have had to make some very difficult decisions this year, and filing Chapter 7 was one of them,” said Suleman, who is a mother of 14 and practically a one-w0man Duggar family.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy means that a court-appointed trustee will sell off Suleman’s possessions and dole out the money to her many creditors before forgiving the rest of her debts. Among the people she owes money to are her father, DirecTV, the water department of the city of La Habra, Whittier Christian School, and her landlord (she is $30,000 behind on her rent for her four-bedroom house). With listed assets of $50,000, she owes about 20 times her net worth.
No doubt due to her dire financial straits, she is also apparently now willing to do porn to make a little extra money and get herself out of hock.
Tags: octomom, la habra, california, octomom bankrupt, nadya suleman, octomom nadya suleman files for bankruptcy, octomom over [tags]octomom, la habra, california, octomom bankrupt, nadya suleman, octomom nadya suleman files for bankruptcy, octomom over $1 million dollars in debt, octomom debt, octuplets, chapter seven bankruptcy, celebrities, unusual people[/tags]