Ever since NASA bombed the moon in 2009, the moon has been looking to get its revenge. You see, we started a war with the moon, but we didn’t finish it. The moon will not be tamed so easily. Tonight, Saturday May 5, the moon will return stronger than ever. That’s right, tonight is the night of the Super Moon. Someone let the werewolves know it’s time to party!
Basically, in a super moon event, the moon is as close to the earth as it is going to be all year, thus the moon looks larger than it does the rest of the year. It doesn’t count as a super moon until the full moon, which will be on Saturday at this particular point in the moon’s orbit around the earth. The super moon is expected to be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal, making it the biggest and brightest the moon will look in 2012.
NASA says that the optimal time for viewing the super moon will be as the moon rises over the earth just after sunset. That is expected to be at about 8 PM tonight, depending on your location.
Tags: moon, super moon, supermoon, brighter and larger moon, may 5 will be super moon night, super moon may 5, super moon on saturday night, super moon on saturday, lunar events, astronomy, nighttime, nighttime sky events, big moon, may 5 will have super moon, unusual lunar events, unusual astronomy, weird science