Mister Rogers gets autotuned.
Normally, when someone or something gets autotuned, it’s an individual getting turned into a music video without his consent or knowledge. That’s not how PBS does things. Instead, PBS goes to the mash-up artists directly and asks them to get their ‘tune on. Taking a cue from the Muppets, PBS and the Fred Rogers Company went to John D. Boswell, AKA melodysheep, to have him work on an autotune-style tribute to Mister Rogers. Dubbed “Garden of your Mind,” it’s a wonderful, touching, and tuneful tribute to the childhood icon Mister Rogers.
This might be the most wonderful thing ever, so please watch and enjoy.
“The message that it’s good to be curious, to use your imagination, and that ideas are the ‘garden produce’ of a fertile mind was something he stressed throughout his career. The video also celebrates another ‘Freddism’ – we’re all different in terms of what we’re good at, but we can all make a special contribution,” said Kevin Morrison, COO of the Fred Rogers Company. Morrison added that the video, “shows that Fred was really ahead of his time.”
Mister Rogers is only the first of many PBS childhood icons ready to be autotuned. PBS plans on a whole series of autotuned music videos starring their familiar characters via PBS Digital Studios.
Tags: youtube, viral videos, fred rogers, mister rogers’ neighborhood, mr. rogers’ neighborhood, mr. rogers, mister rogers, pbs, public broadcasting, kevin morrison, Fred Rogers Company, music, fred rogers autotuned, mr. rogers autotuned, mr. rogers autotune video, great music videos, John D. Boswell, melodysheep, pbs digital studios, garden of your mind