He’s not watching YouTube, that’s for sure.
The once cozy relationship between Apple and Google has now become something of a cold war between the two. Increasingly in every area, Apple and Google are butting heads. Whether it’s music sales or tablet computing, Apple and Google have transitioned from allies to enemies in all fields and it’s starting to lead to some changes in their relationship. Apple’s upcoming iOS 6 will not come pre-installed with the YouTube app. That means if you get a new iPhone or iPad anytime soon, you’ll have to add it yourself.
Google’s Android operating system is now the most popular operating system in the smartphone world, passing Windows Mobile, iOS, and all the others in a very short time. The official party line from Apple is that the license that allowed Apple to preinstall YouTube has lapsed, but I think we all know why the YouTube app will be disappearing. When you’re getting beaten handily by the competition, you don’t exactly want to promote them.
Tags: apple, youtube, iphone, ipad, ios 6, apple drops youtube app from ios 6, apple drops youtube app, youtube dropped from apple, apple drops youtube as video provider, youtube removed from apple, android, smartphones, technology, apple and google