When it comes to politics, there’s no limit to the weirdness that comes with the territory of running for President. For example, tax returns. In real life, nobody cares about your tax returns; however, in the political world, tax returns are apparently super important. For example, Mitt Romney has only released two years worth of tax information, and people were going crazy over it. So crazy, in fact, it appears that someone might be willing to commit multiple felonies to get said information. Secret Service agents are investigating the reported theft of Mitt Romney’s tax records from the PricewaterhouseCoopers offices in Franklin, Tennessee.
“At this time there is no evidence that our systems have been compromised or that there was any unauthorized access to the data in question,” said PricewaterhouseCoopers spokesman Chris Atkins.
However, Washington, D.C., Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan says the agency is investigating the anonymous letter, in which someone says they have Romney’s tax records and want $1 million to keep them under wraps. Both the Democrat and Republican political offices in Williamson County, where the five-story PWC building is located in the Cool Springs Galleria, have received copies of the letters and encrypted flash drives that purportedly contain all of Mitt Romney’s pre-2010 tax paperwork.
Tags: republicans, politics, mitt romney, mitt romney’s tax returns, mitt romney tax records, mitt romney tax records stolen, mitt romney tax papers stolen, secret service, republican presidential candidate, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Franklin, Tennessee, Chris Atkins, edwin donovan, cool springs galleria