Monastery, bordello, or both?
These days, you can’t depend on saint relics to keep your monastery in business. Increasingly, monasteries are leasing out buildings as luxury hotels, and that business practice might have drawn one Russian Orthodox Church monastery into serious trouble. Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, Russia, has been the home of a secret bordello for some time, according to Russian police. The bordello was located in one of a mini-hotel chain called Podushkin on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard in a building that may be owned by the monastery itself.
Said an attendant at Sretensky Monastery: “Some time ago we rented premises for our seminary. The bordello was only found then, when we started to check which rooms had become temporarily ours, and which hadn’t. This establishment had been there for a long time; it belongs to someone and has absolutely no connection to us.”
The head of Sretensky Monastery, Father Tikhon, is something of a controversial figure in Russia. He serves as Vladimir Putin’s spiritual adviser in all matters pertaining to the Russian Orthodox Church, which has been increasingly criticized in the wake of several financial scandals and the appearance of greed among the heads of the church, whose leader was spotted wearing a $20,000 watch at several public appearances. The monastery was founded in 1397.
Tags: Sretensky Monastery, Moscow, Russia, Vladimir Putin, monastery hosted bordello, house of prostitution set up at monastery, monastery hosted prostitutes, father tikhon, russian orthodox church, scandals, sex scandals in the russian church, orthodox church in russia, unusual renters, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, Podushkin