Lindsay Lohan just stays in the news. She’s not a great actress, she’s got problems with drugs and alcohol, and she’s more infamous than famous right now. Still, the Playboy covergirl‘s every screw-up is big news. Not so for Washington, D.C. television station and CBS affiliate WUSA. After a glut of Lohan-related news, station director Fred D’Ambroisi took to the station’s Twitter account to parse the viewing public on their opinion regarding Lindsay Lohan’s latest assault charges. Unsurprisingly, the people are not fans. WUSA has banned Lindsay Lohan news from its station.
Granted, the ban is only a one-day ban, but it’s a start, isn’t it? Pretty soon, Lohan, the Kardashians, and any number of non-news newsmakers will find themselves censored from the public airwaves. What starts as one 20-second story getting killed before air may soon render WUSA a Lohan-free zone! And wouldn’t that be something?
Tags: lindsay lohan, lindsay lohan banned by cbs affiliate, lindsay lohan banned, cbs affiliate bans lindsay lohan news, lindsay lohan banned by tv station, television, television news, WUSA, Fred D’Ambroisi, lindsay lohan banned by wusa, wusa bans lindsay lohan stories, unusual news, unusual television news, washington, d.c.