“A movie star, I am.”
When Disney bought Lucasfilm, it gave Disney CEO Robert Iger a world of new characters to integrate into the Disney universe. Indeed, Iger promised a new Star Wars film every two or three years, and it appears that the company is right on pace for that. First of all, there’s the upcoming Episode VII as directed by JJ Abrams. Now, it looks like some of the world’s most favorite characters will get solo joints. First of the Star Wars crew to get a spin-off will be everyone’s favorite green Jedi master, Yoda! At least, that’s the rumor.
You can never put all your eggs in the rumor basket, but Disney seems to have taken a lesson from the massive success that is the Marvel Universe of movies. Seeing that Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and The Hulk all had made hundreds of millions of dollars in their individual adventures before coming together to make millions more, it’s only natural that Disney might want to reverse that formula and spin off Yoda, Boba Fett, and others from the Star Wars Universe into their own individual adventures (possibly building up to Episode VII or filling in gaps between Episodes).
After all, Yoda’s made hundreds of millions in merchandise sales already, and he spent less than an hour on screen in six Star Wars movies. If anyone can carry a spin-off, it’s him. Just make sure to get Frank Oz back to do the voice.
Tags: lucasfilm, disney, yoda, yoda spin-off, star wars, star wars spin-off starring yoda, movies, science fiction, sci-fi, yoda to get first star wars spin-off movie, yoda spin-off, frank oz, kathleen kennedy, robert iger, jj abrams, star wars spin offs, yoda movie, yoda to get his own movie, rumors, yoda movie rumors