Lots of frustrated fathers are trying to keep control of their children on social media, but there are two different ways you can do that. One way is to freak out and gun down your daughter’s laptop. The other way is the way favored by executive-types like Scott Baier, the vice president for sustainability and research at Boston-based Groom Energy Solutions. When it comes to helping someone quit an addiction, you can either use a carrot or a stick; Baier chose the carrot. Scott Baier drew up a contract with his daughter promising to pay her $200 if she stays off Facebook for the next 5 months.
“This is two years of 24/7 teen discussion of friends, clothes, parties, etc. They can’t get away from it. I’m proud she recognized the benefit of a hiatus. She plans to go on using it after the contract end,” said Baier, who added that the contract was his daughter’s idea.
The contract will keep the girl off Facebook until June, when school lets out. If she can make it to the halfway point, she makes $50; if she makes it to the end, she gets an additional $150. Seems fair to me!
Tags: Scott Baier, Rachel Baier, dad pays daughter 0 to stay off Facebook, Facebook contract, unusual contracts, law and order, anti-facebook contract, executive draws up facebook contract, Scott Baier pays daughter Rachel to stay off facebook, Facebook, Groom Energy Solutions, Boston, Massachusetts, bribes, unusual legal documents, facebook bribe