If no good deed goes unpunished, that must go double for bad deeds, as one man found out in the wake of an airplane freak-out. During a Delta Air Lines flight to Atlanta, Georgia, Joe Rickey Hundley decided to take parenting matters in his own hands when disturbed by a crying 19-month-old boy. Hundley reportedly turned to mother Jessica Bennett, told her to, “Shut that nigger baby up,” and then slapped the screaming toddler (which of course made him scream louder). After slapping a toddler, Joe Rickey Hundley is now out of a job.
“Reports of the recent behavior of one of our business unit executives while on personal travel are offensive and disturbing,” said a statement from AGC Aerospace & Defense, Hundley’s then-employer. “We have taken this matter very seriously and worked diligently to examine it since learning of the matter on Friday afternoon. As of Sunday, the executive is no longer employed with the company.”
Now, not only is Hundley out of a job, he also faces charges. Simple assault on a person under 16 carries a jail sentence of a year. In 2007, Hundley plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge in Virginia. There’s just something about flying on an airplane that makes people want to beat one another, slap kids for being annoying, and generally shortens fuses all around.
Tags: Joe Rickey Hundley, Hayden, Idaho, Delta Air Lines, Delta, AGC Aerospace & Defense, Atlanta, Georgia, Jessica Bennett, man slaps baby on airplane, man slaps crying baby, man slaps 19-month-old baby, 19-month-old slapped on airplane, assault, airplane violence, unusual crimes, crime and punishment, law and order