The late Pope John Paul II before he became late.
In the Catholic Church, there’s no greater honor than becoming a saint. Once upon a time, saints got that way typically by being martyred. These days, saints become saints by way of the miracles they supposedly perform. Of course, it goes without saying that all saints are dead, but it’s these posthumous miracles that get them pushed up the sainthood ladder to official sanctification status. Pope John Paul II began his sainthood journey 6 months after his death with his beatification. Now it looks as though he’s going to become an official saint. With his second confirmed miracle, the late Pope John Paul II will become a saint.
The second miracle took place on May 1, 2011, which coincidentally enough was the date that John Paul II was beatified on. The miracle has been confirmed by the church, and now it’s up to Congregation for the Causes of Saints to give the go-ahead for Pope Francis to sign the appropriate paperwork and make John Paul II one of the many, many saints of Catholicism.
The one thing the Vatican won’t have to do is build a giant statue in honor of John Paul II, because someone’s already done that.
Tags: pope francis i, pope francis, pope john paul ii, john paul ii, sainthood, john paul ii headed towards sainthood, john paul ii to become saint, beatification, saint john paul ii, saint pope john paul II, john paul II sainthood, the vatican, miracles, pope john paul gets second miracle needed for sainthood, miracles, Congregation for the Causes of Saints