Tyler Doohan saved six lives and died trying to save one more.
Sometimes it’s the most unlikely people who prove themselves to be heroes. Take, for instance, 8-year-old Tyler J. Doohan. Tyler was staying with family in Penfield, New York, in a single-wide trailer. When fire broke out, Tyler was the only one to notice, and rather than saving himself, he decided to save his family. Tyler Doohan saved six relatives from a trailer fire, including 4- and 6-year-old children, and died trying to save his disabled grandfather. An uncle also perished in the blaze.
Tyler saved as many members of his family as possible, but when he realized his beloved grandfather wouldn’t be able to escape the flames by himself, he acted. He broke away from his aunt outside and rushed back into the flames for one last heroic effort that, sadly, fell short. The boy was found in the back bedroom, near the grandfather he’d tried so hard to save. Fire officials believe he had been trying to lift his grandfather from his bed when the smoke overtook them both.
Said Penfield Fire Chief Chris Ebmeyer, “By that time, the fire had traveled to the back of the trailer. Unfortunately they both succumbed to heat and smoke.”
Tyler J. Doohan is a true hero. What an amazing, tragic story.
Tags: heroes, hero boy saves 6 from fire, penfield, new york, Chris Ebmeyer, Tyler Doohan, Tyler J. Doohan, 8-year-old dies saving family from fire, tragedies, unusual news, unusual stories of heroism, tyler doohan dies saving his family from fire