This is why you have to fear and respect the escalator.
For all the ease of travel that escalators provide, there’s also an element of danger. After all, these aren’t simple staircases, escalators are machines full of moving parts and a system of grates and grids that are just begging to catch loose clothing. That’s assuming people aren’t falling from the high end, there’s still the risk of getting caught. That’s what ends up hurting people the most on escalators, and it cost one woman her life. A woman was killed by an escalator when her scarf got mangled in the machinery. The escalator was at the entrance of the Fabre Metro station in Montreal, Quebec.
“While she was trying to pull up her scarf from the escalator, her hair got caught too and from there, everything got tied up at the end of the escalators,” said Montreal police constable Jean-Pierre Brabant, who based the events off of eyewitness reports.
Apparently these injuries are fairly common. In the US, 221 accidents happen for every 1000 escalators. In Quebec, escalators installed in the last 17 years are expected to have automatic shutdown sensors that prevent these kind of injuries. I guess this escalator doesn’t have those, though I imagine it will now.
Tags: montreal, quebec, canada, montreal metro, woman strangled by escalator, woman killed after scarf gets caught in escalator, escalator kills woman, unusual accidents, jean-pierre brabant, escalator kills woman, scarf caught in escalator kills woman, weird accidents, Fabre Metro