I noticed something strange on my phone today. I don’t always pay attention to the apps and games that are on my phone, but when I noticed one particular change, it jumped right out at me. The icon for Instagram had changed. A drastic change, if I’m honest. Gone is the clean icon in the shape of a camera; in its place is a new riotous blob of color that looks vaguely like a camera. Everyone is kind of freaking out about the new Instagram logo.
Of course, that’s only part of the change. The logo has been redesigned to the trendy flat design, with the colors designed to indicate just how colorful Instagram storytelling can be. In the app itself, the feed of pictures has been changed to make things a little more simple, a little cleaner, and a little more focused on user content, rather than the workings of the app. I hate the new logo, but the change in Instagram feeds I can get behind. That’s purposeful, says IG.
Says Instagram, “The simpler design puts more focus on your photos and videos without changing how you navigate the app. Our updated look reflects how vibrant and diverse your storytelling has become.”
Tags: social media, social networking, instagram, instagram redesign, instagram redesigned, instagram logo, new instagram logo, rainbow instagram rainbow, instagram changes design and logo, instagram changes, unusual new logos, corporate logos, instagram’s new logo