Remember MySpace? Probably not; the world’s most popular social network went from being the place for everyone to gather in the online world to an afterthought. It’s been passed around, the core concept has been changed, sold and resold and launched and relaunched countless times. And yet, it continues to kick around, and it continues to have a huge user database, just waiting for people to come back. Well, it might be a little more difficult to keep that old MySpace account active. Your old MySpace account has been hacked, and your username, password, and email address are for sale on the black market.
Here’s what was taken, according to a MySpace blog on the hack: “Email addresses, Myspace usernames, and Myspace passwords for the affected Myspace accounts created prior to June 11, 2013 on the old Myspace platform are at risk. As you know, Myspace does not collect, use or store any credit card information or user financial information of any kind. No user financial information was therefore involved in this incident; the only information exposed was users’ email address and Myspace username and password.”
I’m sure a lot of that information is now invalid, but some people use the same username and password for everything, which means that password is now in the hands of hackers. I closed down my MySpace and Facebook accounts at about the same time, and if you’re not going to go back to MySpace, I recommend shutting it down if you can still get into it and still have access to your 2005-era email address to log back in. Otherwise, just change the passwords on your current social media accounts of choice just to be on the safe side.
Tags: social networks, social networking, myspace, myspace hacked, myspace hit by hackers, myspace user names and passwords leaked, 360 million usernames and passwords stolen from myspace, myspace usernames and passwords taken, myspace hacked for user names passwords and email addresses, cybersecurity