This will be the last Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to ever be on an airplane. After all, the phone has been pulled from shelves and pockets all around the world, because the phones tend to, uh… catch fire and/or explode. It’s not a laughing matter if you’re flying over the Rocky Mountains with one in a pressurized environment, but now that the it’s safe to board a plane with your phone again, maybe it’s okay for people to smile and chuckle about it again. See, for example, this brilliant costume of a flaming Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone worn by a flight attendant.
Fittingly, the flight attendant was about to board a flight from Utah’s Salt Lake City International Airport to San Francisco. She also works for Southwest Airlines, which has had flights detoured and called off due to problems with flaming Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones. Before boarding her flight, she joked with waiting passengers about her flight possibly being cancelled due to her costume.
The great photo above was captured on Halloween by Twitter user Heath W. Black. The costumes is both a funny costume and a warning: the Southwest flight crew used the phone costume as an example in their pre-flight warning routine to remind customers carrying non-recalled Note phones that they’d have to leave them behind. Even with special precautions in place, it’s still a bad idea to carry an exploding phone around.
Tags: halloween, halloween costumes, halloween costume, funny costumes, funny halloween costumes, flight attendant costume, flight attendant halloween costume, flight attendant samsung galaxy costume, costume of samsung galaxy on fire, flaming samsung galaxy costume, salt lake city, san francisco international airport, Salt Lake City International Airport