The world of Twitter is a phenomenon. It is one of the most highly debated new forms of communication in the social networking world. You follow, and are followed, by different people in the internet community.
For some people, they will tell you in 140 characters or less on what they are eating, what traffic is like in their home cities, shill their own blogs or products or even become a platform on what is going on in the news/pop culture finds of the moment. It’s instant feedback and to a larger extreme, self-gratification. Even politicians and mainstream news outlets are recognizing that to you can get a message out to your followers quickly.
And now plants are in on the action.
An organization called Botanicalls run by New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program which has developed a program that has plants make phone calls when they need to be watered has extended these same plants to use Twitter functionality.
Botanicalls has set it up that when your plant needs water, the owner of the plant will receive a Tweet. After the plant has been watered, the plant tends to be polite and posts a thank you response.
If you are interested in having your plant twitter, Crave has the links that will tell you how to do it.
Twitter, as I have written before at my own blog, is a maddening yet effective way to communicate but I can’t help but think that having my plants twitter me would be somewhat unnerving. I know if my dogs started Tweeting me, I’d have a coronary.
As for those green thumbs who love their plants, this just might be the ticket for you though. Plants typing their needs to you might be just the next step to having a higher sense of communication with what we thought couldn’t talk.
Twitter has changed all that.
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