Even though computers and the internet have made life a lot easier, time spent twittering, blogging, checking RSS feeds, emailing, instant messaging, and surfing can lead to an overwhelmed feeling. I can attest to this, as there are never enough hours in the day to get things done. But if you find yourself stressing over a complicated lifestyle on the web, you need to check out this amazing post entitled “12 Powerful Ways to Keep Your Online Life Simple and Peaceful.”
One thing that really stands out to me is the suggestion about doing one thing at a time. At this moment, I’m running AIM, Word Press, an FTP client, and FireFox (plus Safari) tabbed browsing into dozens of web pages. This multi-tasking headache can go on all day. Leo suggests doing one thing at a time — but that doesn’t mean shut off all applications at the same time.
Simply do one task, then close it. If you’ve got lots of tabs open for browsing, take care of business then move on to the next. This makes sense, because the end result will have gotten more attention anyway!
Setting limits is also a great step toward simplicity. I do this all the time. Checking traffic statistics and Twitter are two things I try to limit on a daily basis. This kind of follows into the next great tip: get a morning routine. This can be essential for productivity, especially if you make a habit of opening a dozen applications at the same time for initial startup. Sure, some people may have to set the alarm clock an hour ahead, but wouldn’t the stress reduction be worth it?
If you find these helpful then read on for more useful tips!