I guess it’s a given fact that we, as geeks, want to run the world. And what a better way to have global domination that being a spy. You know, because you get to do spy things.
So in thinking of the best way to be the next James (Jane, in my case) Bond, I’m going to need some tools. Right?
And I need to keep it legal. Because, as Jane Bond, I’m not working for anyone right now and there is no Q giving me handy-dandy gadgets to get my spy on.
First of all, I will need a camera. But not just any camera, but one that I can hide in plain site. In our spy careers, it’s best to not be too obvious.
I will also need other equipment. I have to be able to give a death blow, but then again, as Jane Bond, I will have to be able to subdue someone from a distance. Yeah, I need some death stars.
And the important this is, that everything I might need needs to be legal (even if there is some fuzzy math to it all) and I think I’ve found the perfect spy starter kit.
Webupon has a list of the Top Ten tools you would need to get into the spy business.
Let’s be clear, you don’t have to be in the CIA or the NSA to be a spy. I guess you could just buy this stuff, but it in the Aston-Martin, just like each and every Bond has had, and start spying. The one thing to remember is that everything you have will be legal, so you don’t have to worry about getting stopped for speeding and you won’t get in trouble.
Well, maybe a little trouble, we live in a different world, but not too much.
These items will just help you get the fantasy of your Bond on.