We’ve all been there — stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, lost on the highway searching for directions to a ‘local’ restaurant to meet some sketchy acquaintances, or, if you’re like me — you’ve lost your credit card (even though you’re positive it was stolen).
So, what’s the connection between all of these less-than-desirable situations? You never seem to have their phone number when you need it! While dialing your local operator could help you out, you’ll end up paying an arm and a leg for 20 minutes of repeating your situation to an old woman on the other side of the country.
Unless you’re one of those super-prepared individuals who carries the travel-size version of the Yellow Pages with you at all times, it’d be best to take a few minutes to program some important phone numbers into your cell.
Car Insurance Claims Hotline — If you get in a minor accident or fender bender, it would be best to call this number as soon as possible:
Allstate: 1-800-ALLSTATE (1-800-255-7828 for those with those crazy two-letter keypad blackberries)
Progressive: 1-800-PROGRESSIVE (1-800-776-4737)
Geico: 1-800-861-8380
Liberty Mutual: 1-800-2CLAIMS (1-800-225-2467)
State Farm: Find your agent’s number
Nationwide: 1-800-421-3535
Traveler’s: 1-800-CLAIM33 (1-800-252-4633)
Lost or Stolen Credit Card Hotline — This will come in handy if you want to cancel your credit cards. If you can’t find your card, it really is essential that you cancel it immediately; you will get a replacement card in just a few days.
MasterCard: 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747)
American Express: 1-800-992-3409
Visa: 1-800-VISA-911 (1-800-847-2911)
Discover: 1-800-DISCOVER (1-800-347-2683)
911 Emergency — Okay, I really hope you know this number by heart (especially since the number is already programmed in most cell phones). But just in case you don’t, Dial 911 if you have an emergency.
Your Primary Physician — Yes, there will be times where you need to call your doctor and you won’t be by your refrigerator to find his number.
Local Locksmith or Towing Company — Visit YellowPages.com to find a reputable locksmith/towing company in your area.
While some numbers are more important to have than others (I find it extremely useful to have my hair-stylist on speed dial), what can it hurt to have these universal numbers ready to go when the situation “calls” for it.
Tags: cell phone, cell phone, phone numbers, important phone numbers,