Pardon all the upcoming rhymes, but going green seems to be the theme of the week! Ecoble, a fervently green blog, has compiled a list of some of the most innovative ways people from around the globe have found to recycle or repurpose ordinary objects.
Notice how the keyword is “found”–past tense. These have already happened or already built, and, in some cases, are making a profit. So ,as ridiculous as they may sound, keep in mind somewhere in the world these things are really being used.
Like the bridge famed architect Shigeru Ban made from old cardboard tubes–paper towels and toilet paper rolls–that can hold up to 20 people at one time. That means people have really walked across it. Amazing! The bridge was located in the South of France over the Gardon River. Apparently, the bridge was only up for about six weeks before the region’s rainy season started.
Ecoble‘s list includes other creative means of recycling that are far less nerve-wracking. Some have been done before in slightly different ways, like using refuse to make clothing or accessories. Italian designer Marcella Foschi has turned the dying technology of cassette tapes into incredibly stylish coin purses that pop with color and, because of the retro factor, will never go out of style.
But the designers at Volksware have found an even more creative way to fuse the worlds of recycling and clothing–make ratty clothing into rugs. Their rugs function just like any other material, and they can be cut to fit any space. But the Volksware company takes clothing that simply cannot be donated for whatever reason and makes sure that each piece gets put to use.
Other interesting entries on Ecoble‘s list include building blocks made of sewage (that they promise don’t smell) and the familiar CD case greenhouse project. To read the full list, click here.
Image: Ecoble
Tags: recycling, going green, repurposing, Ecoble, Shigeru Ban, projects