Are you smarter than a fifth grader? More than just a quiz show hosted by Jeff Foxworth, it’s a legitimate question now that a fifth-grader from Michigan named Kenton Stufflebeam has noticed and corrected an error at the Smithsonian Institute that has been prominent for 27 years. An error that no one else in the public had ever commented on, if you want to be specific.
How amazing is it that A) this kid knew enough about prehistory to identify what the Precambrian was and was not; B) nobody else in the public had commented on it in 27 years; and C) the Smithsonian knew about the mistake before the exhibit was made public and never bothered to correct it. All it would’ve taken to correct the mistake 27 years ago was a little bit of paint, and it took a kid to get things done. That’s a lot of school field trips.
Tags: Smithsonian institute, Kenton Stufflebeam, museum, errors, mistakes, amazing kids, smart kids