Strolling up to the beverage coolers in the local quick mart now presents too many options.
It’s no longer just a question of with which soda will I quench my raging thirst.
Now, thirsty consumers have to wade through shelf upon shelf of chilled energy drinks, sodas, bottled waters, flavored waters, teas, flavored teas and electrolyte-replenishing beverages.
All those liquids must now make room for the latest entry into the battle for consumer dollars — Meat Water.
Yes, web site Dinner in a Bottle is offering to the needy consumer such delectable flavors as Beef Stroganof, Dirty Hot Dog, Chicken Teriyaki, Hungarian Goulash and Fish N Chips.
I’m guessing to get the full impact of all these flavors, you’d definitely have to remove your tongue from your cheek.
The web site offers a tempting description of each Meat Water flavor.
Here’s how they described the Fish N Chips experience.
“Cod in Beer batter + hand cut fries
Cheers, Mate! Health conscious parliamentarians altered this traditional British staple forever by outlawing the use of newspapers to absorb the run-off from this greasy delicacy. We bring back that old-fashioned flavor with all-natural newsprint flavors derived from actual English tabloids (and in England they can swear and show boobies!).
Don’t serve chilled!”
If Red Bull gives you wings, I’m just wondering what a few slurps of Meat Water can do for you.
Image: Plan 59