Miss Cellania asks: “To drink or not to drink?” That is question. Coffee has a lot of potential health benefits for those of us who indulge in a bit of the black brew from time to time, but it also has a lot of potential health risks associated with its consumption. The wise owls over at Health Assist have put together a list of the pros and cons for both sides of the argument. There are 10 pros and 11 cons.
You can weigh them yourself, but for me, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Granted, hypertension and heart problems run in my family, but so do diabetes, kidney stones, and asthma. I’d rather have a massive heart attack than suffer from diabeetus or Alzheimer’s disease for 20 years. I’ll take quick over slow any day when it comes to unpleasant death.
I’ve gone back and forth with coffee. I’ve guzzled a pot a day, and I’ve completely quit it for 6 months at a time. Given I’m trying to do things in moderation these days, I’m having a cup or three in the morning, then taking it easy the rest of the day. That way I get some of the health benefits, and not as much of the health risks associated with coffee while not denying myself one of my biggest loves. I choose to believe that java is good for me!
Tags: health news, disease prevention, coffee, coffee health effects, coffee risks, coffee benefits