For the longest time I thought I was pretty unique. I mean, I’m both a huge fan of Star Wars (and science fiction in general) and a huge sports fan. I’m as comfortable at the BiMonSciFiCon as I am at the sports bar, and I can talk about touchdowns and taun-tauns in the same sentence. I never noticed a lot of cross-over between these two worlds, but apparently Star Wars and sports go hand in hand.
Some of these make sense, like the Star Wars race car and pit crew you see here. Others, like the Star Wars baseball uniforms or the crazy Indianapolis Colts storm trooper don’t make as much sense but are still awesome in a frightening kind of way. Fans will be fans, regardless of if they’re Red Sox or Rebel Alliance.
Considering the New York Yankees are often called the Evil Empire by detractors, there might be more to this union of George Lucas and George Steinbrenner than meets the eye. Both have a lot of money to spend, both have instantly-recognizable uniforms, and both believe the best defense is a good offense. I’m not sure if Babe Ruth ever blew up a planet, but The House He Built was a really cool home base from which to wreak havoc on the AL East.
Amusingly enough, the Yankees always play the Imperial March when announcing the lineups of the visiting team during home games, rather than for their own team. You think they’d embrace their nickname and do it the other way around!
[tags]star wars, star wars sports uniforms, unusual sports, unusual ads, colts storm trooper, star wars and sports, the evil empire, new york yankees[tags]