I don’t sleep enough. I’ve got terrible sleep patterns. In fact, I should probably be sleeping right now, if you want to know the truth. Pretty much everyone has some kind of sleep issue that they’re dealing with. Fortunately, the eight most common sleep problems have fairly common sense solutions. The hard part is actually making the changes to solve the problems.
About the only problem on the list above that I don’t have is snoring. I usually only sleep for a couple of hours at a time when I do sleep, and I break my sleep up into an afternoon shift from about 7:30PM until 10:30ish, then from about 3:00 AM until about 6:30 or 7, depending on what I need to do to get ready for work. Obviously, that’s not 8 restful hours. On weekends, I’ll usually sleep for 12 or 15 hours, which means I’m trying to catch up on the sleep I don’t get during the week. Even though I know it’s impossible to do that, I always feel worlds better afterward.
I know it’s probably not good for me to keep such an odd schedule, but once you’re in a routine it’s tough to change. I drink a lot of coffee during the day to keep going, I am unable to take power naps without completely zonking out, and I’m terribly prone to wandering off from whatever I’m doing, sitting down for a minute, and conking out. At least I’ve learned not to have a nightcap before bed in an attempt to get more rest. I found that one out the hard way.
Tags: sleeping problems, solving sleep problems, snoring, tips, sleep issues, rest