See that little critter above? Paleontologist Jorn Hurum and the folks at National Geographic say that the prehistoric animal, nicknamed Ida, is the long-searched-for missing link in the evolutionary chain that connects the modern day human to our primate predecessors. Apparently Darwinius masillae up there has several human characterstics, including opposable digits, fingers with nails instead of claws, and grasping hands. She’s the earliest-known discovery of these traits so far.
I just don’t get how this is considered the Missing Link. I’ve always understood that term to be something that directly connects the gap between humans and apes, not between apes and dinosaurs or swamp algae or whatever. This seems like an earlier offshoot where apes separated from lemurs and has little or nothing to do with humans.
Maybe I’m just not getting it. She looks like any other skateboard-riding ape to me.
Tags: human evolution, the missing link, missing link found, Ida, Darwinius masillae, prehistoric primates, Jorn Hurum