So you’ve worked hard for four (or five) years and have tens of thousands of dollars in debt, but after 16 years in classes you’ve finally graduated with that minty-fresh new bachelor’s degree and it’s time to start your life. So what’s your new flashy degree worth out there in the real world? Well, according to Time Magazine, not much. Due to a combination of increased diplomas in the marketplace, lowered employer expectations, and a tendency for colleges to give degrees to just about any idiot who can sign his name right, that bachelor’s degree is worthless.
Anybody who has gotten out of college in the last 10 years could’ve told you that.
College is the new high school; everyone goes to college, so a 4-year degree basically means you’re able to roll yourself out of bed and get to class for tests. If you show up and persist for long enough, you’ll eventually get shoved out the door with a piece of paper that signifies your ability to… well, basically, it means you can do nothing. You’re better off going to trade school, because at least there you learn something useful, like how to change bedpans or how to grow marijuana.
Tags: higher education, college degree, education trends, bachelor’s degree, new graduates, college, what a bachelor’s degree is really worth, bachelor’s degrees are worthless, diplomas