The former Soviet Union has a pretty weird sense of humor. I mean, these are the people who erected an enema statue in front of a spa featuring an enema bulb held aloft by gilded cherubs. That alone should tell you that these people are crazy, and that’s even before I tell you about the vodka with Christian babies inside.
From beverage maker EZ Protocols is the newest, and weirdest, entry into the premium Russian vodka market. Given the explosion of capitalism and the influx of money into the former Soviet empire, there has been a huge rise in this market as neuveaux riche wish to show off how riche they are. Hence, Kabbalah Vodka with Christian Infants, the premium wheat vodka enfused with silver, gold, platinum ions that features a glass model of a baby inside. This plays off the old wives tale circulated in Europe that Jewish religious rites required the blood of Christian babies.
Each baby is handmade, and supposedly there are only a few of each type of baby made, so collectors are swarming all over Russia looking for these things. It begs the question: is the baby attached to the inside of the bottle? Or could you take it out somehow so you could keep the baby, but not keep the empty (or full) vodka bottle? Inquiring minds want to know about the glass Christian babies!
Tags: Kabbalah Vodka, vodka with Christian babies inside, sacrilegious products, unusual themed drinks, vodkas, collector’s edition vodka, unusual drinks, Russia, EZ Protocols